
  1. Section Editor(s): Risser, Nancy MN, RN, C, ANP
  2. Murphy, Mary CPNP, PhD Literature Review Editors

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Lintula H, Kokki H, Vanamo K, et al: The costs and effects of laparoscopic appendectomy in children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2004;158(1):34-37.


Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) is more widely used than open appendectomy (OA). This study evaluated the costs and effects of LA compared to OA in children. This prospective clinical trial of 87 children, ages 4 to 15 years, randomly selected the LA or OA surgery when in the hospital. The cost of supplies, operation room use, and recovery in the hospital and after discharge were evaluated. All costs were reported in euros (EUR). The LA cost 1,023 EUR and the OA cost 970 EUR. The operating time was 17 to 67 minutes for the LA group and 17 to 45 minutes for the OA group. The hospital stay was a mean of 2.8 days in the LA group and 3.0 days in the OA group. The LA group returned to school after 7 days and the OA group after 8 days. While the LA required more resources, it may be more effective as the children returned to normal daily activities earlier than the OA group.