
  1. Fronczek-Wojciechowska, Magdalena PhD
  2. Myslek, Karolina MSc
  3. Sajek, Aleksandra MA
  4. Padula, Gianluca PhD
  5. Kopacz, Karolina PhD


Objective: To analyze the diaphragm postisometric relaxation (PIR) effect in older people.


Subjects and Methods: The study group comprised 23 people with a mean age of 65 (5) years. Examinations consisted of spirometry, pulse oximetry, chest circumference test, and palpation of diaphragm. Examination was done twice, before and after the program of exercises related to diaphragm PIR.


Results and Conclusions: Slow vital capacity, maximal voluntary ventilation, chest mobility, and oxygen saturation were significantly higher after diaphragm PIR. Diaphragm tension improved in 30% of participants. PIR of diaphragm can improve respiratory parameters, chest mobility, and diaphragm tension without influence on the heart rate.