
  1. Walker, Cathy
  2. Schmidt, Karen

Article Content

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Conquering the Craving: Treatment to Curb Alcohol Use Disorder

Read Umhau, 148-156.


1. Why does the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5(R)) refer to Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) rather than alcohol abuse or alcoholism? What is emphasized?

Figure. No caption a... - Click to enlarge in new windowFigure. No caption available.

2. What factors influence susceptibility to AUD?


3. Describe alcohol deprivation effect. How does this impact brain function?


4. What are the CAGE questions used for assessment of AUD? Have you used the CAGE tool in your practice? As two or more positive responses indicate AUD, what might you say to the patient to move him/her toward help? Ask yourself these questions. Do your answers indicate the need for assistance?


5. Describe various ways medication works to reduce alcohol consumption. How does The Sinclair Method (TSM) incorporate medication?


6. In the context of AUD, ponder the stories of these biblical people: Noah (Genesis 9:21); Lot (Genesis 19:30-36); Elah (1Kings 16:9-10). How did each person's alcohol use influence his life and the lives of others?



Life, God, and Help: Resources for Women Who Are Working and Poor

Read Lucas, Bischof, & Resick, 166-171.


1. Describe the patchwork approach to living. What are contributing factors?


2. Women who are working and poor tend to lack other resources beyond money. According to the authors, what are some of those resources? How does this lack impact health?


3. Three themes emerged from the research: life, God, and help. The authors state, "Christian nurses will find these themes applicable with the theme of God, and to nursing with the themes of life and help." Discuss how you can promote these resources in tangible or intangible ways.


4. Read Psalm 68:5, 82:3; Isaiah 40:11. What do you recognize about God in these passages? How does he want us to relate to the poor or fatherless? Tangibly, how can you assist the working poor in your community?



A New Nurse with a Firm Foundation

Read Bahemuka, 198.


1. Recall your days as a new nurse. What feelings or thoughts does this article elicit about that time in your life and career?

Figure. No caption a... - Click to enlarge in new windowFigure. No caption available.

2. Have you stood your ground with a patient or patient's family member, informing him/her that inappropriate treatment-verbal or otherwise-will not be tolerated? If so, how did the individual respond? How did you, in a Christ-like manner, inform this person of his/her unacceptable behavior?


3. The author states, "I realized I was a Christian nurse, not a nurse who happened to be a Christian." Differentiate between the two. How does this perspective inform daily practice?


4. Reflect on Ephesians 4:29-32. When foul language comes your way, how are you tempted to respond? What is God's desire regarding the words that come from our mouths? Based on the final sentence in this passage, could silence fulfill the instruction to be compassionate and kind? How would you forgive another-whether patient, colleague, family member, or friend-who did not apologize for unleashing unedifying speech toward you? Support your ideas using examples of Jesus' responses in the gospels.