
  1. Muhammad, Harry Freitag Luglio MSc, RD
  2. Safika, Erri Larene SGz
  3. Wahyuni, Fani Cahya SGz
  4. Ermamilia, Aviria SGz, MGizi, RD
  5. Huriyati, Emy MD, MKes


This study aimed to explore the effect of Zumba training on body composition and its compensatory effect on dietary intake and sleep in sedentary overweight women. This was an experimental study with crossover design conducted in 34 subjects. We showed that Zumba training was associated with the reduction of body fat (P = .023) but not body weight (P = .783). This training was also associated with increased fat intake (P = .004) and sleep duration (P = .043). After compiling the effect of dietary intake, physical activity, and sleep, we found that fat intake during Zumba training was an important determinant of weight changes.