
  1. Waszak, Daria DNP, RN, CNE, COHN-S, CEN

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This is an application of the Cookie Experiment, a descriptive taste study for active learning about research. For this in-class activity, doughnut holes are provided to students, instead of cookies. Doughnut holes were selected because they are easily accessible and in bite size. On a 5-point Likert scale, students rate how hungry they feel and their like of doughnuts. In a blinded approach, they rate 2 brands of doughnut holes on taste, texture, and overall appearance and select their preference. Students also provide qualitative data describing flavors. If a student cannot participate because of dietary restrictions, they can still rate the texture and overall appearance. Responses are entered by students using their smart device or class computers into free survey software online. Similar to classroom response system technology, this can provide instant tabulation of results to display to students. To apply research concepts from this experiment, students compete in a group online learning activity using a free, game-based learning platform (eg, This is followed by a discussion of how variations of the experiment could have created a bias, such as if the doughnut holes were different flavors. As a final activity, students work in groups to develop an informed consent form that would apply to this study. An institutional review board consent and authorization template with instructions is distributed for students to complete. This doughnut hole experiment and related gaming and other postexperiment activities have been well received by RN/BSN students as a memorable method to apply research concepts.