
  1. Section Editor(s): Goldfield, Norbert I. MD
  2. Editor

Article Content

This issue of the Journal focuses on 3 themes:


1. Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)


2. Community health workers and services for low-income populations


3. Organizational issues pertaining to ambulatory care


We've published 2 articles (1 in each of the last 2 issues) on ACOs. We are fortunate to have comments from Billy Millwee and Harold Miller.


Low-income populations and community health workers in particular continue to represent an area of primary interest of The Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. Connected to the previous set of articles, Aniyar Izguttinov and colleagues highlight the shift from volume- to value-based payment in federally qualified community health centers. Chaiyachati, Martinez, and George and in the next 3 articles discuss many important issues pertaining to either community health workers, health centers, or low-income populations.


Fabre highlights issues pertaining to electronic versus paper/telefonic referrals. Bank and Jurdi in separate articles detail patient experience and access challenges in primary versus specialty care.


-Norbert I. Goldfield, MD

