
  1. Riley, Elizabeth DNP, RNC-NIC, CNE

Article Content

Interprofessional care (IPC) is a core aspect of the prelicensure nursing curriculum and requires nurse educators to incorporate innovative methods to teach nursing students the importance of fostering IPC at the bedside. Video case studies, which use recorded patients or family members as the given scenario, can be used as a teaching strategy to give students an understanding of IPC concepts in a real-world setting. The use of videos for case studies can be easily integrated into the learning environment. For example, nurse educators can use videos of patients and family members from professional organizations, such as the Patient Safety Movement that highlights various topics related to patient safety, IPC, communication, and others ( One of the videos describes the story of Jem Darling, a 15-month-old who experienced several barriers to care after surgical removal of a brain tumor. These barriers resulted from a breakdown in communication among IP team members and a lack of organizational interoperability (process of information exchange of health care data that occurs internally between providers). After showing the video, educators can ask follow-up questions, such as (1) "What factors impacted the communication of the IP team and the interoperability within the organization?", (2) "How could effective communication and patient/family-centered care have changed Jem's (and her family's) health care experience?", and (3) "What can health care systems implement to aid with IP communication and efficient interoperability of patient information?" Video case studies can be used as a reflective exercise to help shape nursing students' future practice to implement the standards of IPC in their daily patient care.