
  1. Baker, Sharon MS, RN, CNS CNRN

Article Content

Internet for Nursing Research: A Guide to Strategies, Skills, and Resources


Edited by J.J. Fitzpatrick and K. S. Montgomery. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2004. ISBN: 0-8261-4545-0.


This book is designed to provide nurses with a basic understanding of how to conduct an online search for research. The book is divided into 3 sections. Section I focuses on finding the online information available and how online data will influence the evidence-based practice used in the clinical setting. Section I identifies the Internet as a "global perspective to researchers interested in sharing research topics information with colleagues in other parts of the world" (p8). While the Internet provides a platform for sharing of information, a weakness identified is that although there may be an impression that the Internet provides an inexhaustible supply of information, the user may not be Internet savvy and thus unable to conduct the search. Several Internet research sites are given to help the beginner researcher. Section II describes utilization of the Internet to conduct research. In this section, tools are given to assist the researcher in obtaining subjects, conducting the research, and types of research methodologies found. Section II also assists in how to obtain grants and write for Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. Section III focuses on the teaching of nursing research and resources available online. This section identified Web-based research curriculum for graduate and undergraduate studies. Advantages identified are students becoming familiar with research online and utilization of skills to guide nursing research. A disadvantage is the lack of face-to-face contact with peers and instructors.


I would recommend this book for all nurses interested in conducting research. It provides the whole perspective of research in literature search, obtaining subjects, obtaining grants and other monies available, IRB approval, conducting research, and sharing knowledge through research.