
  1. Kim, Linda Y. PhD, MSN, RN, PHN, CPHQ
  2. Rose, Danielle E. PhD, MPH
  3. Martinez-Hollingsworth, Adrienne PhD, MSN, RN, PHN
  4. Guo, Rong MS
  5. Ganz, David A. MD, PhD, MPH
  6. Yano, Elizabeth M. PhD, MSPH
  7. Stockdale, Susan E. PhD, MA


Using data from the Veterans Assessment and Improvement Laboratory for Patient-Centered Care (VAIL-PCC) Survey, this study investigated the relationship between registered nurses' (RNs') and licensed vocational nurses' (LVNs') report of responsibility for 14 distinct primary care tasks and burnout, taking into account of practice environment contexts. RNs reported higher levels of burnout than LVNs. The task of "following up on referrals" was associated with significantly higher levels of RN burnout, whereas "responding to prescription requests" was associated with higher levels of LVN burnout. "True collaboration" was associated with significantly lower levels of burnout for both RNs and LVNs.