
  1. Ehren, Barbara J.
  2. Rosa-Lugo, Linda I.
  3. Hagan, Audrey D. P.


English learners (ELs) struggle with vocabulary learning and often evidence serious vocabulary gaps. It is challenging, especially for professionals who do not speak the native language of the students, to teach EL students vocabulary that supports academic learning, is compatible with classroom instruction, and considers their changing language proficiency levels. A compounding factor may be the additional presence of a language disorder. The purpose of this article is to provide a context for professionals and nonprofessionals, monolinguals and bilinguals, to work together in developing strong lexicons in ELs to support academic growth. Toward that end, the authors discuss the nature of the school-age EL population, vocabulary needs of this heterogeneous population, the need for collaboration in the wise use of available resources, a technique called the Vocabulary Scenario Technique designed for collaborative implementation, and guiding principles about vocabulary instruction with ELs that can be of use to researchers and practitioners.