
  1. Treston, Carole RN, MPH, ACRN, FAAN

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LGBTQ+ Pride Month is celebrated each year in the month of June to coincide with the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan, a tipping point for the LGBTQ+ rights movement in the United States. Support for full LGBTQ+ rights in all jurisdictions locally and globally has been part of our organizational policy agenda for decades and has been a core value since the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care's (ANAC's) inception.


We denounce efforts that promote discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. ANAC was founded in 1987 by a group of dedicated nurses, including many gay individuals, to address an epidemic that was taking a terrible toll on many communities, especially gay communities throughout the country.


Despite five decades of progress in equality and increased visibility of LGBTQ+ people in all aspects of society, there remains discrimination and bigotry based on perceived sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. It is particularly troubling in 2022 because states and elected officials pass legislation or issue hateful rhetoric that is harmful to LGBTQ+ individuals and families, pushing back against years of progressive change.


Although happening at local and state levels across the country, it is antigay activities in Florida that are garnering much attention. As we prepare to hold our 37th annual conference in Florida this year, we are committed to showing up and being present, to joining local and state advocates to amplify support for LGBTQ+ and human rights, and to celebrating the amazing work being done in HIV-affected communities in Florida and around the world.


We stand in solidarity with others who share our core values and mission. Our mission can be distilled to two components: professional education and nurse-led advocacy for the welfare of people living with HIV. Thirty-five years later, this remains relevant. Nurses are the most trusted profession, and we must leverage this trust by delivering and amplifying education and advocacy centered in human rights, compassion, and evidence. LGBTQ+ equality remains in the forefront of our mission and work.


ANAC joins you in celebrating Pride month. Although June is Pride month (pride being the opposite of shame and stigma), we shine a light on the accomplishments and contributions of LGBTQ+ nurses in health care, health policy, and the fight against HIV all year long.