
  1. Bryan, Carol PhD, RN

Article Content

A self-paced online learning environment provides students with tools and activities to meet course objectives without synchronous classes or assignments' due dates. Students create self-identified time management success strategies. One problem occurs when students cannot make regular progress as planned. Tips to help them succeed include the following: (1) Assign advisors to work with them to monitor and adjust their plans of study if needed. (2) Require students to participate in 2 or more asynchronous discussion boards, introducing themselves and identifying their time management success strategies. (3) In week 1 of the semester, require students to share a working cell phone number and arrange a phone meeting with faculty to increase interactive engagement. (4) At midterm, have students discuss their time management strategies with faculty and update if obstacles have interfered with their progress. (5) At the end of semester, evaluate student progress in meeting course objectives. Some students in online self-paced environments prefer no interactions with faculty or peers and would rather master course objectives on their own. However student participation in engagement activities has been linked to increases in student success with self-paced online classes.1




1. Martin F, Bolliger DU. Engagement matters: student perceptions on the importance of engagement strategies in the online learning environment. Online Learn. 2018;22(1):205-222. doi:10.24059/olj.v22i1.1092 [Context Link]