
  1. Section Editor(s): Oria, Felipe

Article Content

Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!'s mission is to present clinical concepts in the most accessible way for nurses to understand. At the time of the journal's founding, a landmark report, "Unequal Treatment," published by the Institute of Medicine, began the modern discussion on the disparities within healthcare. It highlighted the gaps that exist between our increase in medical knowledge and the lack of quality effective care to those in underserved communities.

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As years have passed, it's vital to know that this conversation is still ongoing and that current nurses play a key role in helping to close these gaps. As population diversity in the US increases, nurses will continue to care for a greater number of individuals from a broader number of cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We will need to build cross-cultural communication skills to see the future of these interactions, to help in the progression toward bridging the disparity gap, and address how this can help the current nursing shortage demands.


I'm a first-generation Mexican American, and in May 2025, I'll also be the first healthcare worker in my family. As an underrepresented student in nursing, I have had the honor of taking part in diversity discourse at the College of Nursing at Purdue University Northwest in Indiana. My college is located in a mostly rural area that exists 45 minutes outside of Chicago and contains a multitude of blended White, Latino, Black, and Asian communities. In this sample of the nation, my professors have advanced our knowledge of cross-cultural education in the curriculum. Education that removes stigmas, such as taking community health nursing students to a day shelter for women and children experiencing homelessness. With the professors' assistance, my peers provided general health screenings and education to patients on a weekly basis. Our professors challenge us, one even stating in the very first class, "As a future nurse, it is important that you continue to grow your own cultural awareness to provide the very best patient care." Lastly, I've also been educated on nursing career options that help underserved communities, such as the LGBTQAI community health centers in the area. The excitement generated by these professors at my institution has inspired me to introduce the nursing profession to others.


Cross-cultural education has taught me to collaborate with patients, rather than work on them. This is the future of nursing. This Nurse's Month, we want our readers to be part of the conversation that will help provide proficient care to persons regardless of their age, health beliefs, experience, values, or style of communication. As one of the newest board members of the journal, I hope to inspire future nurses and effectively give them a perspective on underserved communities in the medical field.

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