
  1. Salam, Tasnim MBE, MPH
  2. Leifer, Sarah MPH, MA
  3. Simpson, Victoria MPH, MSOH, GSP
  4. DeFrank, Stacey BSN, CSN
  5. Carothers, Barbara LPN
  6. Lifshitz, Edward MD
  7. Ibrahim, Sherif MD, MPH


The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the need for effective infectious disease prevention and mitigation efforts within childcare and educational settings, supported by local health departments and state agencies. During the pandemic, rapidly evolving guidance, increased surveillance burden, and the vastly increased volume of inquiries from communities and local health departments led to the development of a state-level childcare and educational consortium in New Jersey. The consortium works with state-level partners to support infectious disease prevention and mitigation efforts of educational entities and local health departments.