
  1. Nakase-Richardson , Risa
  2. Cotner , Bridget A.
  3. Agtarap , Stephanie D.
  4. Martin , Aaron M.
  5. Ching , Deveney
  6. O'Connor , Danielle R.
  7. Tweed , Amanda
  8. Haun , Jolie N.
  9. Hanks , Robin A.
  10. Bergquist , Thomas F.
  11. Hammond , Flora M.
  12. Zafonte , Ross D.
  13. Hoffman , Jeanne M.


This is the first evidence-based study to inform policy and planning to improve access to high-quality chronic pain treatments for persons with TBI. Results will inform future interventions at the systems, patient, and policy levels of healthcare that can be tailored to healthcare settings (VA, Civilian) and types of providers (rehabilitation therapists, psychologists, and medical). Evidence-informed interventions may help minimize healthcare disparities experienced by persons with TBI and facilitate access to high-quality, evidence-informed chronic pain care.