
  1. Dwyer, Johanna DSc, RD

Article Content

Happy 2015, and happy 50th birthday to Nutrition Today! Our journal was born at a time of great stress and change in food and nutrition. The Dietary Goals for Americans had been issued, and nutrition professionals wrestled with how best to integrate advice about avoiding dietary deficiency diseases with emerging evidence that imbalances and excesses in nutrients contributed to chronic disease. The oil crisis had given Americans a wakeup call about the sustainability of the food supply, and inflation generated worries about the costs of food, especially for the poor. Yet existing publications on food and nutrition often ignored these developments or didn't cover them at all. Nutrition Today filled a gap then just as it does now by ensuring that not only scientific but also cultural and political developments got the attention they deserved.


In order to celebrate this special year, Nutrition Today will post some of the most memorable items from our first half century on our Web page, with free access to the complete articles. You can connect to them at Take a look at them and enjoy! We are also adding other enhancements to our Web page to make it more exciting to browse and read. These include some Web-only articles, others that are published ahead of print, and a free Web version of a featured article each month.


Nutrition Today is planning on the next 50 years, and we hope you'll join us in our journey!